Complaining to Gutermann

This post was drafted on 22nd December when I sent off this letter. As I have had absolutely no reply from Gutermann and it is now the last day of January, I thought I would publicly share this and also highlight their lacking customer service. I think I'm going to switch to the Cotton Patch's own brand of thread or maybe Aurifil- I've got a spool of each to try. For now, it has to be said that my machine is coping with the Gutermann thread after I gave it a second go BUT it is straight line quilting and the problems have been when free motion quilting :( For FMQ I am going to have to think long and hard before starting to quilt my latest project.***I sent this e-mail off to Gutermann after an unpleasant evening of frustration and panic at not getting the quilt I am making for OH's mum finished in time for Christmas. I was planning on having my birthday evening off, but no- I lost so much time I had to work through to the next day...Hello, I am writing to complain about the inconsistency I am currently experiencing between different spools. I use the sew-all thread for quilting and I am now having to mix 38 with 414 as the large reel of 414 colour that I purchased will not feed correctly through my machine and it causes the thread to bunch up at the back of the work. I spent two hours changing needles 3 times, cleaning the entire machine, altering the tension and rethreading, changing the bobbin, etc but nothing worked. I then put in a small spool of 38 that I have and it worked perfectly, as have a couple of other colours I tried! I am on an urgent deadline as this is to be finished for Christmas and I now do not have time to go out and get another reel of 414. I am very disappointed as I always use Gutermann as my machine can reject inferior threads in the same way. Is this a discrepancy in thickness or finish between different shades, or is this likely to be a faulty batch? I would appreciate your urgent response."***Yeah urgent response Gutermann, not delete my message and ignore me completely. Hopefully someone from their marketing team will read this and reply. All I want to know is why my thread is not as good as it used to be, yet maintains a high price point. An offer of a replacement would be nice too, considering.


Sewing Snow-in


A sneaky peek of my new room and a couple more for the Pinterest Challenge