Craft Pimp

Sorry I've been a bit quiet recently, this week in particular is a strain, but after the fair this weekend, I will have a few days to sew and get Christmas stuff sorted before the mad Christmas chocolates post rush begins, then I am looking forward to lots of me time from my birthday onwards until the New Year which will be heaven! I'm allegedly going dog sledding in early January, so that should be an interesting story to tell.Anyway, I've recently joined the Craft Pimp team on Etsy with trufflepiglet (and if all goes well with rebuilding PennyDog in my relaxing break I may be able to do the same with that shop)- it is for members of the Craft Pimp forum who have well stocked shops and are serious about selling on there, and increasing their presence. here's a few examples of the team's work currently available for sale! Because it makes a change not to just talk about me for once and of course Christmas is coming (hint, hint!)... For more, just search "cpteam" on Etsy.


Tutorial - Stitched Christmas Tree Cards


Fenella Fox