WIP City

I have all sorts of WIPs on the go at the minute but it's great because I'm enjoying it! I have a couple of resin things, some polymer clay work for the first time in almost 10 years (above), I have a dress I'm adding a panel to, another dress I'm supposed to have started by now sewing from scratch and of course the patchwork quilt.I don't want to bore you with another photo of a block every day for the next week, so I've decided to update my progress over on Crafteroo, so if you want to keep an eye on the quilt as it grows (quickly!) then please check in HERE :)Here's day 3 - Rocky Road - anyway. Day 4 is nearly finished but I will be putting on Crafteroo (and Flickr) only.I'm also writing an article for Speciality Food and I'm just over 700 words in, so just over halfway to 1200 words. The aim is to finish it complete with quotes from other companies and images by Monday. Here's a pic of me styling some chocs for that taken yesterday- I think I probably should have washed my hair first, but hey ho...


Enamelling and PennyDog plans


Block a Day: Day 2