Trade titles

There are loads of magazines out there, but sometimes it's nice to get a different perspective and to read the more serious trade titles. For example whilst I worked on the magazine I used to get Craft Focus and Craft Business through the door. These magazines show you new products and have discussions on trends so you can stay ahead in your crafting and you know what to get excited about! They are really good if you sell craft supplies, as this is why they exist- for suppliers and retailers. Usually you have to prove you're in one of these categories to get your issues in the post, but I am happy to say that a lot of trade titles can be viewed online for free and it saves paper too!

Here's the latest issue of Craft Focus...

The reason I decided to mention how useful trade titles can be in your particular fields of interest (they have them for all sorts of obscure areas- remember the trade title feature on Have I Got News For You?!) is because I have been asked to write for the 2011 Confectionary supplement for Speciality Food Magazine. It so happens that Louise the editor found me- and trufflepiglet- on Twitter and would like me to write a piece about novelty chocolates, which is great because only that day had I read the 2010 supplement and was interested in getting involved anyway. As I see it, it will be a great opportunity to get the trufflepiglet brand out there in front of buyers for gift shops, garden centres and delis, so who knows what it could bring! So this weekend I'm getting writing (and chocolate making- I have a fair the following weekend)- so excited!Here's the 2010 issue of the Confectionery supplement (also free!) for those interested, I think it makes good reading but then it's something I enthuse about. I hope you get Googling your hobbies and interests to see what other great titles are out there!


A re-encounter with resin


Finished my first quilt!