OMG I am a pushy parent.

I took Fletcher to a dog show today and together we entered Most Handsome Dog and Dog Judge Would Most Like To Take Home categories. I couldn't enter Best Specimen of breed because he's got a spot of alopecia and a tear drop tattoo on his face which as far as I'm aware people in prison have those done one for each person they've murdered. And I forgot to enter Best Rescue Dog. Booo. Oh and I have a rather sore one-arm tan weirdly- don't know how I just got sun on one arm as I was out all day.Anyway the judge didn't even look at him despite everyone in the crowd cooing over him. I was quite disgruntled he didn't even get 4th place, and I vowed to go to every Dog Show I could to get some rosettes to put on the wall above his bed. Then it hit me, I'm going to be one of those pushy parents who expects top grades from their kids whilst riding a unicycle, singing show tunes and playing Grade 6 Clarinet at the age of five! I didn't realise I had such a desire to win, but seriously, who could resist my Fletchiboo? :PNext Sunday I've found another local dog show (ha!) and he and Penny have entered the online one for our local Greyhound Rescue kennels here, we'll show 'em!***In resin news I tested under the 100w bulb and it took 2 hours to set and not be tacky, however it was still extremely bendy due to the warmth so even thugh this is a fast time, it will need popping in a cool place for a good while longer- not one hour setting I'm afraid!


And the winner is...


Further resin tests