A new job...

I've been very quiet on my blog recently, but with good reason, I think I'm now able to let you know that I have a new job!Popular Crafts magazine comes out next month (3rd March to be exact) and I applied to be their web editor, basically looking after the website, forum, uploading articles, etc. A few weeks later I got the job and also the title of Magazine Editor- how amazing is that?!Anyway I've been working 7 days a week at the minute because I started straight away and still working my other job (and also not forgetting my jewellery business as job number 3)! So struggling to blog, and also I've kept it quiet until I told me boss and signed the contract!I'm very excited about this, it's been my dream job since I learned that I wasn't going to be able to draw for a living back when I was still at primary school. Recently I gave up hope because I didn't want to move to London (and OH wanted to even less) and decided to pursue a career in design instead. I can't believe my luck that I can work from home (with my doggies) and work on a title about my passion- crafts!Anyway if you'd like to write an article, or donate a craft supplies prize in exchange for advertising in the magazine or on the website, give me a shout, and please come and join me on the forum at www.popularcrafts.comOh and buy the magazine please!


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Chessboard project 2010: part 3