Interview with... Dria Hades

Dria is a regular on the Crafteroo forum and likes to dabble with most things that involve a needle! Who are you and where do you come from?I'm Talia, and I come from Bristol. These days I live in Crawley, with my lovely boyfriend though!What do you do in your spare time other than craft?I bake, I watch TV, write to friends, travel back and forth to Bristol, gossip via email, blog, and listen to heavy metal!!Please tell us a little bit about what you make.I mostly make sock creatures, but in the winter I make hats and scarves. I also make button corsage flowers, and I embroider.What do you enjoy making most?I think sock creatures. When I'm making one I can see a little personality developing, and they always look so cute when they're "born".What part do you dislike the most?I don't like photographing my products much. I need more practice on that, and a decent place to take them. At the moment most of my photos are taken in the garden, and that's very weather dependent!What are your main inspirations for making a piece?If I see something pretty (like socks or wool), then I generally want to buy it to make something pretty from. I'm a big sucker for buying pretty socks and wanting to turn them into cute sock animals!Do you plan out your designs or do you get stuck in straight away when inspiration strikes?I'm really not a big planner. Mostly I'm halfway through cutting up socks, or through a row of knitting before I've even decided what something's going to be!What are you currently making?At the moment I'm working on my new project - embroidered underwear!Do you make custom orders?If someone wanted me to, I don't see why I wouldn't!Where can we buy your work?In my Etsy shop -


Crafteroo's 1st birthday!


Make 50: Week 31