8 things

I've been tagged by Jess of Epheriell Designs to complete this little blog questionnaire....8 things I am looking forward to:1.  Fletcher (my new greyhound) learning his name so when he goes off on one I don't have to chase him a mile through private land (belonging to our landlord) to get him- not cool2. Lunch time3. Dinner time!4. Getting the right kiln so I can finish my new enamelling project- was sent the wrong one and it's not hot enough!5. The chickens laying more eggs, they seem to be in holiday mode at the moment6. Getting all of the boxes from the move unpacked and everything in order7. Setting up my workshops8. Pay day! 8 things I did yesterday:1. Went to work2. Drank too much wine3. Ran a mile after Fletcher in my work clothes (and subsequently got picked up by OH in his car)4. Received my kiln that was wrong5. Went online too much6. Finished my first copper etch7. Sorted out our broadband in the new house, so as of Wednesday I will be back to normal!8. Sent off my driving license for the address to be changed 8 things I wish I could do:1.  Be more patient2. Get a grip and finish those cuffs for the website before another month passes!3. Leave my job and be more domesticated4. Make pottery5.  Pay someone to do my ironing6. Find some downlighting lampshades that fit in with the house, but don't look like the inside of grandma's pub7. Run faster and be generally fitter8. Knit8 TV shows I watch:1. The Big Bang Theory2. Argumental3. My Name is Earl4. Mock the Week5. Breakfast News6. Scrubs7. Gok's Fashion Fix (sorry sorry sorry!)8. Cool cookery based programmes, preferably Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall or Heston Blumenthal. 8 people I am tagging:Incy Wincy StitchesStitchesMiya!Blue FairyBlotted CopybookThe Crafty NinjaChown TownAbi


Make 50 Week 18 and 19 and a small request


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