Make 50: Week 10.... sort of.

It's been absolutely MANIC this week what with my knitting needles being featured on Little Cotton Rabbits (,  then my book delivery coming and the resulting £60 worth of postage, Comic Relief on Friday and the resulting traffic to and then the busiest craft fair of my life yesterday.  Seriously, I need a raise!

So my make this week is a bit of a cop-out, as I've decided that my book in it's printed and bound form counts towards this. I will hopefully be back to regular blogging next week (oh, did I tell you I am going to be in a jewellery magazine at the end of this month and a future knitting magazine showcasing my knitting needles?!) and I will be sharing the top 10 most successful marketing strategies according to The Fournaise Marketing Group. "The 10 Global Trends in Marketing Effectiveness Offline and Online" is something I've had in my desk for ages at work and forgot about, but it's actually got some useful points in there. It's a bit more bedtime reading for me though as I haven't got all the way through it yet!***By the way, if you want a copy of  my book, my first batch are selling out fast and I can now guarantee that it will be despatched the same day/day after you order now that the backlog has been dealt with. Here's some of the comments I have had so far, I hope the people who wrote them don't mind me putting them here!" I received the e-version of your book. It is terrific! I simply love it....It has everything I like in a book--just enough info to get me started, no extranious and annoying 'chatter' (man--I HATE filler in a book).Well done. Really--well done."-- Dahn"My book arrived :-) Thanks -  Looks great!"-- Jo"Got my book this morning hun, love love love it!!!!!!"-- Caroline"My book from Pennydog has just arrived!!!! How exciting I must go buy resin this instant!"-- Harriet 


Successful marketing strategies


Visual Merchandising