Wahoo! Last day of NaBloPoMo!

This is it, my last compulsory post, I have successfully blogged every day of November and completed NaBloPoMo! I will still be blogging, but it will be more meaningful, and on a less frequent basis, back to 2-3 post a week I think!I'm feeling poorly and miserable, but the craft fair today really cheered me up. Got lots of positive feedback and ideas from customers and stallholders alike, and it was generally one of the most positive fairs I have ever been to. I was told a scary ghost story about a woman who stands at the top of the stairs and tells a story. I was directly at the bottom of said stairs, so I made sure I was packed up and gone before any chance of that happened! I now have a few bits and bobs to remake for selling online. Here's a picture of my stand, including my new display board I showed you the other day!I am taking part in NaBloPoMo (National Blog Post Month), so I will be blogging every day in November. Today is post 30 (last one!): http://www.nablopomo.com/


Blogumentary: Jenny Blaze's Two-finger ring part 1


Interview with... Pips Jewellery