Getting better

The backlog is steadily clearing. I mainly have a shop order (25 items in total) to fulfill and the craft fair to get over at the weekend, so now my mind has wandered over to bigger things...Someone I work with has told me about a unit to let at a tourist attraction craft centre, with a workshop space at the back... Now I am going to visit it on Saturday and see if it would be appropriate for selling my jewellery as well as teaching in. It's very early days yet, as I will have to look at the finances and see what it will cost, and possibly find someone to work in the shop 3 days a week for me whilst I'm at work. There's a lot to think about!I am taking part in NaBloPoMo (National Blog Post Month), so I will be blogging every day in November. Today is post 25:


Spotlight on... Old Bag Crafts


3 of the best: Llamas on Etsy