
I'm a bit stressed out at the moment. I've got pieces to make as prep for my We Make Christmas demonstration (6th December), and also to choose what to have in my showcase there and the lesson plan itself, as well as duplicating items so I have plenty to sell when I get there. Next sunday I have a craft fair and also the deadline for the Folksy Angels competition as I still haven't finished mine (and my other half says it's crap which doesn't help). I've also got 2 shop orders to make within 2 weeks, secret santa, finishing a custom order, an example of work for a potential magazine article that I've been asked for as well as keeping up with my ever increasing web sales. It's nice to be popular, but I also work 40 hours a week full time during the week and it's all starting to get a bit too much for me. I'm also starting to feel unwell, I guess I'm run down. It will all be over in 2 weeks or so, but I'm absolutely frazzled right now, and I could really have done with being at home this weekend. As you can tell, going to work tomorrow isn't going to help matters :(Here's a few things I listed on this weekend just to show you some pretty pictures...   I am taking part in NaBloPoMo (National Blog Post Month), so I will be blogging every day in November. Today is post 23:


3 of the best: Llamas on Etsy


Present for Grandma