Custom order work in progress...

I've been making a tinfoil heart necklace for ITSABEE1 on Folksy as a custom order as there is a story behind the foil and she wants it as a keepsake. Unfortunately I got some nasty veins on the back of the piece making it look dirty from the front. To solve this problem, I got out my trusty bandsaw and cut around the heart to remove all of the duff resin. It needs a bit of filing to smoothen the edges but It now looks like this:I will then put it back in the circle mould and refill clear resin around the edges, though I'm waiting for a new mould to come through as my other one got damaged, any day now... This got me thinking. I could cut shapes with embedded objects out with the saw and fill the edges with different colour resin, which means another tutorial option for my book (I can dream) and a unique product! I will definitely be having a play with this to see if it works!This is what it did (and will) look like:I've also been making some dog hair pendants for pangolin on Crafteroo. It sounds like an odd request, but they are also little keepsakes for her mum to remember her dogs who no longer live with her. I should have taken some photos but they've gone off with the postman! Here's when they were in the mould, see dog hair can be attractive ;)Finally I've been working on my Folksy Angels entries. The first of my two entries is nearly finished, I'm making a silver and a gold tealight holder. The mould was made from old moulds and recycled, and the holders themselves are resin and inside are pieces of chocolate coin wrappers. Unfortunately chocolate coins were harmed in the making of this production :pLots and lots of sanding for me to do at the moment, I can't wait until Santa brings me this!

I am taking part in NaBloPoMo (National Blog Post Month), so I will be blogging every day in November. Today is post 18:


Spotlight on... The Rainbow Room


3 of the best... Polymer clay jewellers on Etsy