Folksy Angels

Continuing the recycling theme from yesterday... I love competitions, especially ones that require a bit of thought. Folksy and We Make Christmas (which I will be demonstrating at) have got together to make a quickie competition (entries must be in by 30th November- yikes!) where you have to make a christmas decoration all or mostly made from bits and pieces found around the home that would otherwise be thrown away. It's an interesting idea, but feel it might be a little tricky! I do have an idea though and I will share it with you when it's done- if it works!The winner gets free Folksy listings and no commission for a year, and as things are going well for me on there at the moment, it could be just what I need!If you want to enter, the Flickr group where you need to post your photo and also has a comprehensive list of rules and what-not is here:

Don’t forget to enter the November giveaway here:

I am taking part in NaBloPoMo (National Blog Post Month), so I will be blogging every day in November. Today is post 12!


Interview with... Ali Bali Jewellery


Anna Clifton